For centuries, the story of the Jersey Devil has been part of the culture of southern New Jersey. A fire-breathing monster with the head of a horse, bat wings and the body of a kangaroo. The creature is said to be the thirteenth child of a Mother Leeds, born in 1735 when the woman put a curse on her unfortunate offspring. Informed at a tender age by his grandmother (aka BeBop) that he is distantly related to the beast, author Bill Sprouse, explores the story behind the tale of his family's connection to the famous monster. Copies of his book, “The Domestic Life of the Jersey Devil: or, BeBop's Miscellany” will be available.
To Register: All must register a head of time by calling the Tuckerton Seaport at 609-296-8868. Cost is $2.00 per person (payable at the door).
For the 12:30 program, participants can bring a lunch or take advantage of our lunch option for $6.00
(registration for lunch is required two days in advance).
Tuckerton Seaport & Baymen’s Museum
120 West Main Street
PO Box 52
Tuckerton, NJ 08087